Refactoring code into smaller files
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 705 additions and 682 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// TODO(4bb4) Do this properly.
// I already added a simple Context struct that can be created once and used as long as it is not
// dropped here for initial tests - this is of course neither threadsafe nor otherwise safe to use
// unless one "does it right", so it's not a real solution.
// The context should have to be created, and ideally it should be difficult to impossible
// to do things without having a context. implot-rs makes it so that there is a context and
// that context has a "frame()" function that returns a Ui, and that Ui is then used to create
// widgets. Windows are built with a build() function that takes a reference to that Ui as an
// argument, but also have a begin() function that take a context and put it in their token.
// I think I'll mirror that here, except that we don't need a frame() function, it's enough
// to create a context once and then keep passing it around. I'll hence need a mutex and
// a mechansim similar (or equal) to what imgui-rs does for making sure there can only be
// a single context. Implementation could go roughly like this:
// - Add a mutex for modifying context things
// - Make creation and drop functions use that mutex
// - Change Plot, PlotLine, PlotScatter, PlotBars, PlotText to all require a context.
// I think I'll call this PlotUi to mimmick imgui-rs' Ui.
// - Think about what this means in terms of the stacks and things like is_plot_hovered() -
// they should also only work when there is a context available.
/// An implot context.
/// A context is required to do most of the things this library provides. While this was created
/// implicitly in earlier versions of the library, it is now created explicitly.
pub struct Context {
raw: *mut sys::ImPlotContext,
impl Context {
/// Create a context.
pub fn create() -> Self {
let ctx = unsafe { sys::ImPlot_CreateContext() };
unsafe {
Self { raw: ctx }
impl Drop for Context {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
@ -8,80 +8,23 @@
pub extern crate implot_sys as sys;
use bitflags::bitflags;
pub use sys::imgui::Condition;
use sys::imgui::{im_str, ImString};
// TODO(4bb4) facade-wrap these
pub use sys::{ImPlotLimits, ImPlotPoint, ImPlotRange, ImVec2, ImVec4};
const DEFAULT_PLOT_SIZE_X: f32 = 400.0;
const DEFAULT_PLOT_SIZE_Y: f32 = 400.0;
// Plot struct and associated enums
pub mod context;
pub mod plot;
pub mod plot_elements;
pub use context::Context;
pub use plot::{AxisFlags, Plot, PlotFlags};
pub use plot_elements::{PlotBars, PlotLine, PlotScatter, PlotText};
// --- Enum definitions --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Things that are to be combined like flags are done using bitflags, and things that are meant
// as enumerations in the traditional sense are plain enums.
bitflags! {
/// Flags for customizing plot behavior and interaction. Documentation copied from implot.h for
/// convenience. ImPlot itself also has a "CanvasOnly" flag, which can be emulated here with
/// the combination of `NO_LEGEND`, `NO_MENUS`, `NO_BOX_SELECT` and `NO_MOUSE_POSITION`.
pub struct PlotFlags: u32 {
/// "Default" according to original docs
const NONE = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_None;
/// Plot items will not be highlighted when their legend entry is hovered
const NO_LEGEND = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_NoLegend;
/// The user will not be able to open context menus with double-right click
const NO_MENUS = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_NoMenus;
/// The user will not be able to box-select with right-mouse
const NO_BOX_SELECT = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_NoBoxSelect;
/// The mouse position, in plot coordinates, will not be displayed
const NO_MOUSE_POSITION = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_NoMousePos;
/// Plot items will not be highlighted when their legend entry is hovered
const NO_HIGHLIGHT = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_NoHighlight;
/// A child window region will not be used to capture mouse scroll (can boost performance
/// for single ImGui window applications)
const NO_CHILD = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_NoChild;
/// Enable a 2nd y axis
const Y_AXIS_2 = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_YAxis2;
/// Enable a 3nd y axis
const Y_AXIS_3 = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_YAxis3;
/// The user will be able to draw query rects with middle-mouse
const QUERY = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_Query;
/// The default mouse cursor will be replaced with a crosshair when hovered
const CROSSHAIRS = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_Crosshairs;
/// Plot data outside the plot area will be culled from rendering
const ANTIALIASED = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_AntiAliased;
bitflags! {
/// Axis flags. Documentation copied from implot.h for convenience. ImPlot itself also
/// has `Lock`, which combines `LOCK_MIN` and `LOCK_MAX`, and `NoDecorations`, which combines
pub struct AxisFlags: u32 {
/// "Default" according to original docs
const NONE = sys::ImPlotAxisFlags__ImPlotAxisFlags_None;
/// Grid lines will not be displayed
const NO_GRID_LINES = sys::ImPlotAxisFlags__ImPlotAxisFlags_NoGridLines;
/// Tick marks will not be displayed
const NO_TICK_MARKS = sys::ImPlotAxisFlags__ImPlotAxisFlags_NoTickMarks;
/// Text labels will not be displayed
const NO_TICK_LABELS = sys::ImPlotAxisFlags__ImPlotAxisFlags_NoTickLabels;
/// A logartithmic (base 10) axis scale will be used (mutually exclusive with AxisFlags::TIME)
const LOG_SCALE = sys::ImPlotAxisFlags__ImPlotAxisFlags_LogScale;
/// Axis will display date/time formatted labels (mutually exclusive with AxisFlags::LOG_SCALE)
const TIME = sys::ImPlotAxisFlags__ImPlotAxisFlags_Time;
/// The axis will be inverted
const INVERT = sys::ImPlotAxisFlags__ImPlotAxisFlags_Invert;
/// The axis minimum value will be locked when panning/zooming
const LOCK_MIN = sys::ImPlotAxisFlags__ImPlotAxisFlags_LockMin;
/// The axis maximum value will be locked when panning/zooming
const LOCK_MAX = sys::ImPlotAxisFlags__ImPlotAxisFlags_LockMax;
/// Markers, documentation copied from implot.h for convenience.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
@ -244,625 +187,8 @@ pub enum StyleVar {
// --- Context -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TODO(4bb4) Do this properly.
// I already added a simple Context struct that can be created once and used as long as it is not
// dropped here for initial tests - this is of course neither threadsafe nor otherwise safe to use
// unless one "does it right", so it's not a real solution.
// The context should have to be created, and ideally it should be difficult to impossible
// to do things without having a context. implot-rs makes it so that there is a context and
// that context has a "frame()" function that returns a Ui, and that Ui is then used to create
// widgets. Windows are built with a build() function that takes a reference to that Ui as an
// argument, but also have a begin() function that take a context and put it in their token.
// I think I'll mirror that here, except that we don't need a frame() function, it's enough
// to create a context once and then keep passing it around. I'll hence need a mutex and
// a mechansim similar (or equal) to what imgui-rs does for making sure there can only be
// a single context. Implementation could go roughly like this:
// - Add a mutex for modifying context things
// - Make creation and drop functions use that mutex
// - Change Plot, PlotLine, PlotScatter, PlotBars, PlotText to all require a context.
// I think I'll call this PlotUi to mimmick imgui-rs' Ui.
// - Think about what this means in terms of the stacks and things like is_plot_hovered() -
// they should also only work when there is a context available.
pub struct Context {
raw: *mut sys::ImPlotContext,
impl Context {
pub fn create() -> Self {
let ctx = unsafe { sys::ImPlot_CreateContext() };
unsafe {
Self { raw: ctx }
impl Drop for Context {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
// --- Main plot structure -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Struct to represent an ImPlot. This is the main construct used to contain all kinds of plots in ImPlot.
/// `Plot` is to be used (within an imgui window) with the following pattern:
/// ```no_run
/// # use implot;
/// implot::Plot::new("my title")
/// .size(300.0, 200.0) // other things such as .x_label("some_label") can be added too
/// .build( || {
/// // Do things such as plotting lines
/// });
/// ```
/// (If you are coming from the C++ implementation or the C bindings: build() calls both
/// begin() and end() internally)
pub struct Plot {
/// Title of the plot, shown on top.
title: String,
/// Size of the plot in x direction, in the same units imgui uses.
size_x: f32,
/// Size of the plot in y direction, in the same units imgui uses.
size_y: f32,
/// Label of the x axis, shown on the bottom
x_label: String,
/// Label of the y axis, shown on the left
y_label: String,
/// X axis limits, if present
x_limits: Option<ImPlotRange>,
/// Y axis limits, if present
y_limits: Option<ImPlotRange>,
/// Condition on which the x limits are set
x_limit_condition: Option<Condition>,
/// Condition on which the y limits are set (first y axis for now)
y_limit_condition: Option<Condition>,
/// Positions for custom X axis ticks, if any
x_tick_positions: Option<Vec<f64>>,
/// Labels for custom X axis ticks, if any. I'd prefer to store these together
/// with the positions in one vector of an algebraic data type, but this would mean extra
/// copies when it comes time to draw the plot because the C++ library expects separate lists.
/// The data is stored as ImStrings because those are null-terminated, and since we have to
/// convert to null-terminated data anyway, we may as well do that directly instead of cloning
/// Strings and converting them afterwards.
x_tick_labels: Option<Vec<ImString>>,
/// Whether to also show the default X ticks when showing custom ticks or not
show_x_default_ticks: bool,
/// Positions for custom Y axis ticks, if any
y_tick_positions: Option<Vec<f64>>,
/// Labels for custom Y axis ticks, if any. I'd prefer to store these together
/// with the positions in one vector of an algebraic data type, but this would mean extra
/// copies when it comes time to draw the plot because the C++ library expects separate lists.
/// The data is stored as ImStrings because those are null-terminated, and since we have to
/// convert to null-terminated data anyway, we may as well do that directly instead of cloning
/// Strings and converting them afterwards.
y_tick_labels: Option<Vec<ImString>>,
/// Whether to also show the default Y ticks when showing custom ticks or not
show_y_default_ticks: bool,
/// Flags relating to the plot TODO(4bb4) make those into bitflags
plot_flags: sys::ImPlotFlags,
/// Flags relating to the first x axis of the plot TODO(4bb4) make those into bitflags
x_flags: sys::ImPlotAxisFlags,
/// Flags relating to the first y axis of the plot TODO(4bb4) make those into bitflags
y_flags: sys::ImPlotAxisFlags,
/// Flags relating to the second y axis of the plot (if present, otherwise ignored)
/// TODO(4bb4) make those into bitflags
y2_flags: sys::ImPlotAxisFlags,
/// Flags relating to the third y axis of the plot (if present, otherwise ignored)
/// TODO(4bb4) make those into bitflags
y3_flags: sys::ImPlotAxisFlags,
impl Plot {
/// Create a new plot with some defaults set. Does not draw anything yet.
pub fn new(title: &str) -> Self {
// TODO(4bb4) question these defaults, maybe remove some of them
Self {
title: title.to_owned(),
x_label: "".to_owned(),
y_label: "".to_owned(),
x_limits: None,
y_limits: None,
x_limit_condition: None,
y_limit_condition: None,
x_tick_positions: None,
x_tick_labels: None,
show_x_default_ticks: false,
y_tick_positions: None,
y_tick_labels: None,
show_y_default_ticks: false,
plot_flags: PlotFlags::NONE.bits() as sys::ImPlotFlags,
x_flags: AxisFlags::NONE.bits() as sys::ImPlotAxisFlags,
y_flags: AxisFlags::NONE.bits() as sys::ImPlotAxisFlags,
y2_flags: AxisFlags::NONE.bits() as sys::ImPlotAxisFlags,
y3_flags: AxisFlags::NONE.bits() as sys::ImPlotAxisFlags,
/// Sets the plot size, given as [size_x, size_y]. Units are the same as
/// what imgui uses. TODO(4b4) ... which is? I'm not sure it's pixels
pub fn size(mut self, size_x: f32, size_y: f32) -> Self {
self.size_x = size_x;
self.size_y = size_y;
/// Set the x label of the plot
pub fn x_label(mut self, label: &str) -> Self {
self.x_label = label.to_owned();
/// Set the y label of the plot
pub fn y_label(mut self, label: &str) -> Self {
self.y_label = label.to_owned();
/// Set the x limits of the plot
pub fn x_limits(mut self, limits: &ImPlotRange, condition: Condition) -> Self {
self.x_limits = Some(*limits);
self.x_limit_condition = Some(condition);
/// Set the y limits of the plot
pub fn y_limits(mut self, limits: &ImPlotRange, condition: Condition) -> Self {
self.y_limits = Some(*limits);
self.y_limit_condition = Some(condition);
/// Set X ticks without labels for the plot. The vector contains one label each in
/// the form of a tuple `(label_position, label_string)`. The `show_default` setting
/// determines whether the default ticks are also shown.
pub fn x_ticks(mut self, ticks: &Vec<f64>, show_default: bool) -> Self {
self.x_tick_positions = Some(ticks.clone());
self.show_x_default_ticks = show_default;
/// Set X ticks without labels for the plot. The vector contains one label each in
/// the form of a tuple `(label_position, label_string)`. The `show_default` setting
/// determines whether the default ticks are also shown.
pub fn y_ticks(mut self, ticks: &Vec<f64>, show_default: bool) -> Self {
self.y_tick_positions = Some(ticks.clone());
self.show_y_default_ticks = show_default;
/// Set X ticks with labels for the plot. The vector contains one position and label
/// each in the form of a tuple `(label_position, label_string)`. The `show_default`
/// setting determines whether the default ticks are also shown.
pub fn x_ticks_with_labels(
mut self,
tick_labels: &Vec<(f64, String)>,
show_default: bool,
) -> Self {
self.x_tick_positions = Some(tick_labels.iter().map(|x| x.0).collect());
self.x_tick_labels = Some(tick_labels.iter().map(|x| im_str!("{}", x.1)).collect());
self.show_x_default_ticks = show_default;
/// Set Y ticks with labels for the plot. The vector contains one position and label
/// each in the form of a tuple `(label_position, label_string)`. The `show_default`
/// setting determines whether the default ticks are also shown.
pub fn y_ticks_with_labels(
mut self,
tick_labels: &Vec<(f64, String)>,
show_default: bool,
) -> Self {
self.y_tick_positions = Some(tick_labels.iter().map(|x| x.0).collect());
self.y_tick_labels = Some(tick_labels.iter().map(|x| im_str!("{}", x.1)).collect());
self.show_y_default_ticks = show_default;
/// Set the plot flags, see the help for `PlotFlags` for what the available flags are
pub fn with_plot_flags(mut self, flags: &PlotFlags) -> Self {
self.plot_flags = flags.bits() as sys::ImPlotFlags;
/// Set the axis flags for the X axis in this plot
pub fn with_x_axis_flags(mut self, flags: &AxisFlags) -> Self {
self.x_flags = flags.bits() as sys::ImPlotAxisFlags;
/// Set the axis flags for the first Y axis in this plot
pub fn with_y_axis_flags(mut self, flags: &AxisFlags) -> Self {
self.y_flags = flags.bits() as sys::ImPlotAxisFlags;
/// Set the axis flags for the second Y axis in this plot
pub fn with_y2_axis_flags(mut self, flags: &AxisFlags) -> Self {
self.y2_flags = flags.bits() as sys::ImPlotAxisFlags;
/// Set the axis flags for the third Y axis in this plot
pub fn with_y3_axis_flags(mut self, flags: &AxisFlags) -> Self {
self.y3_flags = flags.bits() as sys::ImPlotAxisFlags;
/// Internal helper function to set axis limits in case they are specified.
fn maybe_set_axis_limits(&self) {
// Set X limits if specified
if let (Some(limits), Some(condition)) = (self.x_limits, self.x_limit_condition) {
unsafe {
sys::ImPlot_SetNextPlotLimitsX(limits.Min, limits.Max, condition as sys::ImGuiCond);
// Set X limits if specified
if let (Some(limits), Some(condition)) = (self.y_limits, self.y_limit_condition) {
// TODO(4bb4) allow for specification of multiple y limits, not just the first
let selected_y_axis = 0;
unsafe {
condition as sys::ImGuiCond,
/// Internal helper function to set tick labels in case they are specified. This does the
/// preparation work that is the same for both the X and Y axis plots, then calls the
/// "set next plot ticks" wrapper functions for both X and Y.
fn maybe_set_tick_labels(&self) {
// Show x ticks if they are available
if self.x_tick_positions.is_some() && self.x_tick_positions.as_ref().unwrap().len() > 0 {
let mut pointer_vec; // The vector of pointers we create has to have a longer lifetime
let labels_pointer = if let Some(labels_value) = &self.x_tick_labels {
pointer_vec = labels_value
.map(|x| x.as_ptr() as *const i8)
.collect::<Vec<*const i8>>();
} else {
unsafe {
self.x_tick_positions.as_ref().unwrap().len() as i32,
if self.y_tick_positions.is_some() && self.y_tick_positions.as_ref().unwrap().len() > 0 {
let mut pointer_vec; // The vector of pointers we create has to have a longer lifetime
let labels_pointer = if let Some(labels_value) = &self.y_tick_labels {
pointer_vec = labels_value
.map(|x| x.as_ptr() as *const i8)
.collect::<Vec<*const i8>>();
} else {
unsafe {
self.y_tick_positions.as_ref().unwrap().len() as i32,
0, // y axis selection, TODO(4bb4) make this configurable
/// Attempt to show the plot. If this returns a token, the plot will actually
/// be drawn. In this case, use the drawing functionality to draw things on the
/// plot, and then call `end()` on the token when done with the plot.
/// If none was returned, that means the plot is not rendered.
/// For a convenient implementation of all this, use [`build()`](
/// instead.
pub fn begin(&self) -> Option<PlotToken> {
let should_render = unsafe {
im_str!("{}", self.title).as_ptr(),
im_str!("{}", self.x_label).as_ptr(),
im_str!("{}", self.y_label).as_ptr(),
sys::ImVec2 {
x: self.size_x as f32,
y: self.size_y as f32,
if should_render {
Some(PlotToken {
plot_title: self.title.clone(),
has_ended: false,
} else {
// In contrast with imgui windows, end() does not have to be
// called if we don't render. This is more like an imgui popup modal.
/// Creates a window and runs a closure to construct the contents.
/// Note: the closure is not called if ImPlot::BeginPlot() returned
/// false - TODO(4bb4) figure out if this is if things are not rendered
pub fn build<F: FnOnce()>(self, f: F) {
if let Some(token) = self.begin() {
/// Tracks a plot that must be ended by calling `.end()`
pub struct PlotToken {
/// For better error messages
plot_title: String,
/// Whether end() has been called on this already or not
has_ended: bool,
impl PlotToken {
/// End a previously begin()'ed plot.
pub fn end(mut self) {
self.has_ended = true;
unsafe { sys::ImPlot_EndPlot() };
impl Drop for PlotToken {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if !self.has_ended && !std::thread::panicking() {
"Warning: A PlotToken for plot \"{}\" was not called end() on",
// --- Actual plotting functionality -------------------------------------------------------------
/// Struct to provide functionality for plotting a line in a plot.
pub struct PlotLine {
/// Label to show in the legend for this line
label: String,
impl PlotLine {
/// Create a new line to be plotted. Does not draw anything yet.
pub fn new(label: &str) -> Self {
Self {
label: label.to_owned(),
/// Plot a line. Use this in closures passed to [`Plot::build()`](
pub fn plot(&self, x: &Vec<f64>, y: &Vec<f64>) {
// If there is no data to plot, we stop here
if x.len().min(y.len()) == 0 {
unsafe {
im_str!("{}", self.label).as_ptr() as *const i8,
x.len().min(y.len()) as i32, // "as" casts saturate as of Rust 1.45. This is safe here.
0, // No offset
std::mem::size_of::<f64>() as i32, // Stride, set to one f64 for the standard use case
/// Struct to provide functionality for creating a scatter plot
pub struct PlotScatter {
/// Label to show in the legend for this scatter plot
label: String,
impl PlotScatter {
/// Create a new scatter plot to be shown. Does not draw anything yet.
pub fn new(label: &str) -> Self {
Self {
label: label.to_owned(),
/// Draw a previously-created scatter plot. Use this in closures passed to
/// [`Plot::build()`](
pub fn plot(&self, x: &Vec<f64>, y: &Vec<f64>) {
// If there is no data to plot, we stop here
if x.len().min(y.len()) == 0 {
unsafe {
im_str!("{}", self.label).as_ptr() as *const i8,
x.len().min(y.len()) as i32, // "as" casts saturate as of Rust 1.45. This is safe here.
0, // No offset
std::mem::size_of::<f64>() as i32, // Stride, set to one f64 for the standard use case
/// Struct to provide bar plotting functionality.
pub struct PlotBars {
/// Label to show in the legend for this line
label: String,
/// Width of the bars, in plot coordinate terms
bar_width: f64,
/// Horizontal bar mode
horizontal_bars: bool,
impl PlotBars {
/// Create a new bar plot to be shown. Defaults to drawing vertical bars.
/// Does not draw anything yet.
pub fn new(label: &str) -> Self {
Self {
label: label.to_owned(),
bar_width: 0.67, // Default value taken from C++ implot
horizontal_bars: false,
/// Set the width of the bars
pub fn with_bar_width(mut self, bar_width: f64) -> Self {
self.bar_width = bar_width;
/// Set the bars to be horizontal (default is vertical)
pub fn with_horizontal_bars(mut self) -> Self {
self.horizontal_bars = true;
/// Draw a previously-created bar plot. Use this in closures passed to
/// [`Plot::build()`]( The `axis_positions`
/// specify where on the corersponding axis (X for vertical mode, Y for horizontal mode) the
/// bar is drawn, and the `bar_values` specify what values the bars have.
pub fn plot(&self, axis_positions: &Vec<f64>, bar_values: &Vec<f64>) {
let number_of_points = axis_positions.len().min(bar_values.len());
// If there is no data to plot, we stop here
if number_of_points == 0 {
unsafe {
// C++ implot has separate functions for the two variants, but the interfaces
// are the same, so they are unified here. The x and y values have different
// meanings though, hence the swapping around before they are passed to the
// plotting function.
let (plot_function, x, y);
if self.horizontal_bars {
plot_function = sys::ImPlot_PlotBarsHdoublePtrdoublePtr
as unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8, *const f64, *const f64, i32, f64, i32, i32);
x = bar_values;
y = axis_positions;
} else {
plot_function = sys::ImPlot_PlotBarsdoublePtrdoublePtr
as unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8, *const f64, *const f64, i32, f64, i32, i32);
x = axis_positions;
y = bar_values;
im_str!("{}", self.label).as_ptr() as *const i8,
number_of_points as i32, // "as" casts saturate as of Rust 1.45. This is safe here.
0, // No offset
std::mem::size_of::<f64>() as i32, // Stride, set to one f64 for the standard use case
/// Struct to provide functionality for adding text within a plot
pub struct PlotText {
/// Label to show in plot
label: String,
/// X component of the pixel offset to be used. Will be used independently of the actual plot
/// scaling. Defaults to 0.
pixel_offset_x: f32,
/// Y component of the pixel offset to be used. Will be used independently of the actual plot
/// scaling. Defaults to 0.
pixel_offset_y: f32,
impl PlotText {
/// Create a new text label to be shown. Does not draw anything yet.
pub fn new(label: &str) -> Self {
Self {
label: label.into(),
pixel_offset_x: 0.0,
pixel_offset_y: 0.0,
/// Add a pixel offset to the text to be plotted. This offset will be independent of the
/// scaling of the plot itself.
pub fn with_pixel_offset(mut self, offset_x: f32, offset_y: f32) -> Self {
self.pixel_offset_x = offset_x;
self.pixel_offset_y = offset_y;
/// Draw the text label in the plot at the given position, optionally vertically. Use this in
/// closures passed to [`Plot::build()`](
pub fn plot(&self, x: f64, y: f64, vertical: bool) {
// If there is nothing to show, don't do anything
if self.label == "" {
unsafe {
im_str!("{}", self.label).as_ptr() as *const i8,
sys::ImVec2 {
x: self.pixel_offset_x,
y: self.pixel_offset_y,
// --- Color maps -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Switch to one of the built-in preset colormaps. If samples is greater than 1, the map will be
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
//! # Plot module
//! This module defines the `Plot` struct, which is used to create a 2D plot that will
//! contain all other objects that can be created using this library.
extern crate implot_sys as sys;
use bitflags::bitflags;
pub use sys::imgui::Condition;
use sys::imgui::{im_str, ImString};
pub use sys::{ImPlotLimits, ImPlotPoint, ImPlotRange, ImVec2, ImVec4};
const DEFAULT_PLOT_SIZE_X: f32 = 400.0;
const DEFAULT_PLOT_SIZE_Y: f32 = 400.0;
bitflags! {
/// Flags for customizing plot behavior and interaction. Documentation copied from implot.h for
/// convenience. ImPlot itself also has a "CanvasOnly" flag, which can be emulated here with
/// the combination of `NO_LEGEND`, `NO_MENUS`, `NO_BOX_SELECT` and `NO_MOUSE_POSITION`.
pub struct PlotFlags: u32 {
/// "Default" according to original docs
const NONE = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_None;
/// Plot items will not be highlighted when their legend entry is hovered
const NO_LEGEND = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_NoLegend;
/// The user will not be able to open context menus with double-right click
const NO_MENUS = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_NoMenus;
/// The user will not be able to box-select with right-mouse
const NO_BOX_SELECT = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_NoBoxSelect;
/// The mouse position, in plot coordinates, will not be displayed
const NO_MOUSE_POSITION = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_NoMousePos;
/// Plot items will not be highlighted when their legend entry is hovered
const NO_HIGHLIGHT = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_NoHighlight;
/// A child window region will not be used to capture mouse scroll (can boost performance
/// for single ImGui window applications)
const NO_CHILD = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_NoChild;
/// Enable a 2nd y axis
const Y_AXIS_2 = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_YAxis2;
/// Enable a 3nd y axis
const Y_AXIS_3 = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_YAxis3;
/// The user will be able to draw query rects with middle-mouse
const QUERY = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_Query;
/// The default mouse cursor will be replaced with a crosshair when hovered
const CROSSHAIRS = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_Crosshairs;
/// Plot data outside the plot area will be culled from rendering
const ANTIALIASED = sys::ImPlotFlags__ImPlotFlags_AntiAliased;
bitflags! {
/// Axis flags. Documentation copied from implot.h for convenience. ImPlot itself also
/// has `Lock`, which combines `LOCK_MIN` and `LOCK_MAX`, and `NoDecorations`, which combines
pub struct AxisFlags: u32 {
/// "Default" according to original docs
const NONE = sys::ImPlotAxisFlags__ImPlotAxisFlags_None;
/// Grid lines will not be displayed
const NO_GRID_LINES = sys::ImPlotAxisFlags__ImPlotAxisFlags_NoGridLines;
/// Tick marks will not be displayed
const NO_TICK_MARKS = sys::ImPlotAxisFlags__ImPlotAxisFlags_NoTickMarks;
/// Text labels will not be displayed
const NO_TICK_LABELS = sys::ImPlotAxisFlags__ImPlotAxisFlags_NoTickLabels;
/// A logartithmic (base 10) axis scale will be used (mutually exclusive with AxisFlags::TIME)
const LOG_SCALE = sys::ImPlotAxisFlags__ImPlotAxisFlags_LogScale;
/// Axis will display date/time formatted labels (mutually exclusive with AxisFlags::LOG_SCALE)
const TIME = sys::ImPlotAxisFlags__ImPlotAxisFlags_Time;
/// The axis will be inverted
const INVERT = sys::ImPlotAxisFlags__ImPlotAxisFlags_Invert;
/// The axis minimum value will be locked when panning/zooming
const LOCK_MIN = sys::ImPlotAxisFlags__ImPlotAxisFlags_LockMin;
/// The axis maximum value will be locked when panning/zooming
const LOCK_MAX = sys::ImPlotAxisFlags__ImPlotAxisFlags_LockMax;
/// Struct to represent an ImPlot. This is the main construct used to contain all kinds of plots in ImPlot.
/// `Plot` is to be used (within an imgui window) with the following pattern:
/// ```no_run
/// # use implot;
/// implot::Plot::new("my title")
/// .size(300.0, 200.0) // other things such as .x_label("some_label") can be added too
/// .build( || {
/// // Do things such as plotting lines
/// });
/// ```
/// (If you are coming from the C++ implementation or the C bindings: build() calls both
/// begin() and end() internally)
pub struct Plot {
/// Title of the plot, shown on top.
title: String,
/// Size of the plot in x direction, in the same units imgui uses.
size_x: f32,
/// Size of the plot in y direction, in the same units imgui uses.
size_y: f32,
/// Label of the x axis, shown on the bottom
x_label: String,
/// Label of the y axis, shown on the left
y_label: String,
/// X axis limits, if present
x_limits: Option<ImPlotRange>,
/// Y axis limits, if present
y_limits: Option<ImPlotRange>,
/// Condition on which the x limits are set
x_limit_condition: Option<Condition>,
/// Condition on which the y limits are set (first y axis for now)
y_limit_condition: Option<Condition>,
/// Positions for custom X axis ticks, if any
x_tick_positions: Option<Vec<f64>>,
/// Labels for custom X axis ticks, if any. I'd prefer to store these together
/// with the positions in one vector of an algebraic data type, but this would mean extra
/// copies when it comes time to draw the plot because the C++ library expects separate lists.
/// The data is stored as ImStrings because those are null-terminated, and since we have to
/// convert to null-terminated data anyway, we may as well do that directly instead of cloning
/// Strings and converting them afterwards.
x_tick_labels: Option<Vec<ImString>>,
/// Whether to also show the default X ticks when showing custom ticks or not
show_x_default_ticks: bool,
/// Positions for custom Y axis ticks, if any
y_tick_positions: Option<Vec<f64>>,
/// Labels for custom Y axis ticks, if any. I'd prefer to store these together
/// with the positions in one vector of an algebraic data type, but this would mean extra
/// copies when it comes time to draw the plot because the C++ library expects separate lists.
/// The data is stored as ImStrings because those are null-terminated, and since we have to
/// convert to null-terminated data anyway, we may as well do that directly instead of cloning
/// Strings and converting them afterwards.
y_tick_labels: Option<Vec<ImString>>,
/// Whether to also show the default Y ticks when showing custom ticks or not
show_y_default_ticks: bool,
/// Flags relating to the plot TODO(4bb4) make those into bitflags
plot_flags: sys::ImPlotFlags,
/// Flags relating to the first x axis of the plot TODO(4bb4) make those into bitflags
x_flags: sys::ImPlotAxisFlags,
/// Flags relating to the first y axis of the plot TODO(4bb4) make those into bitflags
y_flags: sys::ImPlotAxisFlags,
/// Flags relating to the second y axis of the plot (if present, otherwise ignored)
/// TODO(4bb4) make those into bitflags
y2_flags: sys::ImPlotAxisFlags,
/// Flags relating to the third y axis of the plot (if present, otherwise ignored)
/// TODO(4bb4) make those into bitflags
y3_flags: sys::ImPlotAxisFlags,
impl Plot {
/// Create a new plot with some defaults set. Does not draw anything yet.
pub fn new(title: &str) -> Self {
// TODO(4bb4) question these defaults, maybe remove some of them
Self {
title: title.to_owned(),
x_label: "".to_owned(),
y_label: "".to_owned(),
x_limits: None,
y_limits: None,
x_limit_condition: None,
y_limit_condition: None,
x_tick_positions: None,
x_tick_labels: None,
show_x_default_ticks: false,
y_tick_positions: None,
y_tick_labels: None,
show_y_default_ticks: false,
plot_flags: PlotFlags::NONE.bits() as sys::ImPlotFlags,
x_flags: AxisFlags::NONE.bits() as sys::ImPlotAxisFlags,
y_flags: AxisFlags::NONE.bits() as sys::ImPlotAxisFlags,
y2_flags: AxisFlags::NONE.bits() as sys::ImPlotAxisFlags,
y3_flags: AxisFlags::NONE.bits() as sys::ImPlotAxisFlags,
/// Sets the plot size, given as [size_x, size_y]. Units are the same as
/// what imgui uses. TODO(4b4) ... which is? I'm not sure it's pixels
pub fn size(mut self, size_x: f32, size_y: f32) -> Self {
self.size_x = size_x;
self.size_y = size_y;
/// Set the x label of the plot
pub fn x_label(mut self, label: &str) -> Self {
self.x_label = label.to_owned();
/// Set the y label of the plot
pub fn y_label(mut self, label: &str) -> Self {
self.y_label = label.to_owned();
/// Set the x limits of the plot
pub fn x_limits(mut self, limits: &ImPlotRange, condition: Condition) -> Self {
self.x_limits = Some(*limits);
self.x_limit_condition = Some(condition);
/// Set the y limits of the plot
pub fn y_limits(mut self, limits: &ImPlotRange, condition: Condition) -> Self {
self.y_limits = Some(*limits);
self.y_limit_condition = Some(condition);
/// Set X ticks without labels for the plot. The vector contains one label each in
/// the form of a tuple `(label_position, label_string)`. The `show_default` setting
/// determines whether the default ticks are also shown.
pub fn x_ticks(mut self, ticks: &Vec<f64>, show_default: bool) -> Self {
self.x_tick_positions = Some(ticks.clone());
self.show_x_default_ticks = show_default;
/// Set X ticks without labels for the plot. The vector contains one label each in
/// the form of a tuple `(label_position, label_string)`. The `show_default` setting
/// determines whether the default ticks are also shown.
pub fn y_ticks(mut self, ticks: &Vec<f64>, show_default: bool) -> Self {
self.y_tick_positions = Some(ticks.clone());
self.show_y_default_ticks = show_default;
/// Set X ticks with labels for the plot. The vector contains one position and label
/// each in the form of a tuple `(label_position, label_string)`. The `show_default`
/// setting determines whether the default ticks are also shown.
pub fn x_ticks_with_labels(
mut self,
tick_labels: &Vec<(f64, String)>,
show_default: bool,
) -> Self {
self.x_tick_positions = Some(tick_labels.iter().map(|x| x.0).collect());
self.x_tick_labels = Some(tick_labels.iter().map(|x| im_str!("{}", x.1)).collect());
self.show_x_default_ticks = show_default;
/// Set Y ticks with labels for the plot. The vector contains one position and label
/// each in the form of a tuple `(label_position, label_string)`. The `show_default`
/// setting determines whether the default ticks are also shown.
pub fn y_ticks_with_labels(
mut self,
tick_labels: &Vec<(f64, String)>,
show_default: bool,
) -> Self {
self.y_tick_positions = Some(tick_labels.iter().map(|x| x.0).collect());
self.y_tick_labels = Some(tick_labels.iter().map(|x| im_str!("{}", x.1)).collect());
self.show_y_default_ticks = show_default;
/// Set the plot flags, see the help for `PlotFlags` for what the available flags are
pub fn with_plot_flags(mut self, flags: &PlotFlags) -> Self {
self.plot_flags = flags.bits() as sys::ImPlotFlags;
/// Set the axis flags for the X axis in this plot
pub fn with_x_axis_flags(mut self, flags: &AxisFlags) -> Self {
self.x_flags = flags.bits() as sys::ImPlotAxisFlags;
/// Set the axis flags for the first Y axis in this plot
pub fn with_y_axis_flags(mut self, flags: &AxisFlags) -> Self {
self.y_flags = flags.bits() as sys::ImPlotAxisFlags;
/// Set the axis flags for the second Y axis in this plot
pub fn with_y2_axis_flags(mut self, flags: &AxisFlags) -> Self {
self.y2_flags = flags.bits() as sys::ImPlotAxisFlags;
/// Set the axis flags for the third Y axis in this plot
pub fn with_y3_axis_flags(mut self, flags: &AxisFlags) -> Self {
self.y3_flags = flags.bits() as sys::ImPlotAxisFlags;
/// Internal helper function to set axis limits in case they are specified.
fn maybe_set_axis_limits(&self) {
// Set X limits if specified
if let (Some(limits), Some(condition)) = (self.x_limits, self.x_limit_condition) {
unsafe {
sys::ImPlot_SetNextPlotLimitsX(limits.Min, limits.Max, condition as sys::ImGuiCond);
// Set X limits if specified
if let (Some(limits), Some(condition)) = (self.y_limits, self.y_limit_condition) {
// TODO(4bb4) allow for specification of multiple y limits, not just the first
let selected_y_axis = 0;
unsafe {
condition as sys::ImGuiCond,
/// Internal helper function to set tick labels in case they are specified. This does the
/// preparation work that is the same for both the X and Y axis plots, then calls the
/// "set next plot ticks" wrapper functions for both X and Y.
fn maybe_set_tick_labels(&self) {
// Show x ticks if they are available
if self.x_tick_positions.is_some() && self.x_tick_positions.as_ref().unwrap().len() > 0 {
let mut pointer_vec; // The vector of pointers we create has to have a longer lifetime
let labels_pointer = if let Some(labels_value) = &self.x_tick_labels {
pointer_vec = labels_value
.map(|x| x.as_ptr() as *const i8)
.collect::<Vec<*const i8>>();
} else {
unsafe {
self.x_tick_positions.as_ref().unwrap().len() as i32,
if self.y_tick_positions.is_some() && self.y_tick_positions.as_ref().unwrap().len() > 0 {
let mut pointer_vec; // The vector of pointers we create has to have a longer lifetime
let labels_pointer = if let Some(labels_value) = &self.y_tick_labels {
pointer_vec = labels_value
.map(|x| x.as_ptr() as *const i8)
.collect::<Vec<*const i8>>();
} else {
unsafe {
self.y_tick_positions.as_ref().unwrap().len() as i32,
0, // y axis selection, TODO(4bb4) make this configurable
/// Attempt to show the plot. If this returns a token, the plot will actually
/// be drawn. In this case, use the drawing functionality to draw things on the
/// plot, and then call `end()` on the token when done with the plot.
/// If none was returned, that means the plot is not rendered.
/// For a convenient implementation of all this, use [`build()`](
/// instead.
pub fn begin(&self) -> Option<PlotToken> {
let should_render = unsafe {
im_str!("{}", self.title).as_ptr(),
im_str!("{}", self.x_label).as_ptr(),
im_str!("{}", self.y_label).as_ptr(),
sys::ImVec2 {
x: self.size_x as f32,
y: self.size_y as f32,
if should_render {
Some(PlotToken {
plot_title: self.title.clone(),
has_ended: false,
} else {
// In contrast with imgui windows, end() does not have to be
// called if we don't render. This is more like an imgui popup modal.
/// Creates a window and runs a closure to construct the contents.
/// Note: the closure is not called if ImPlot::BeginPlot() returned
/// false - TODO(4bb4) figure out if this is if things are not rendered
pub fn build<F: FnOnce()>(self, f: F) {
if let Some(token) = self.begin() {
/// Tracks a plot that must be ended by calling `.end()`
pub struct PlotToken {
/// For better error messages
plot_title: String,
/// Whether end() has been called on this already or not
has_ended: bool,
impl PlotToken {
/// End a previously begin()'ed plot.
pub fn end(mut self) {
self.has_ended = true;
unsafe { sys::ImPlot_EndPlot() };
impl Drop for PlotToken {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if !self.has_ended && !std::thread::panicking() {
"Warning: A PlotToken for plot \"{}\" was not called end() on",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
use sys::imgui::im_str;
// --- Actual plotting functionality -------------------------------------------------------------
/// Struct to provide functionality for plotting a line in a plot.
pub struct PlotLine {
/// Label to show in the legend for this line
label: String,
impl PlotLine {
/// Create a new line to be plotted. Does not draw anything yet.
pub fn new(label: &str) -> Self {
Self {
label: label.to_owned(),
/// Plot a line. Use this in closures passed to [`Plot::build()`](
pub fn plot(&self, x: &Vec<f64>, y: &Vec<f64>) {
// If there is no data to plot, we stop here
if x.len().min(y.len()) == 0 {
unsafe {
im_str!("{}", self.label).as_ptr() as *const i8,
x.len().min(y.len()) as i32, // "as" casts saturate as of Rust 1.45. This is safe here.
0, // No offset
std::mem::size_of::<f64>() as i32, // Stride, set to one f64 for the standard use case
/// Struct to provide functionality for creating a scatter plot
pub struct PlotScatter {
/// Label to show in the legend for this scatter plot
label: String,
impl PlotScatter {
/// Create a new scatter plot to be shown. Does not draw anything yet.
pub fn new(label: &str) -> Self {
Self {
label: label.to_owned(),
/// Draw a previously-created scatter plot. Use this in closures passed to
/// [`Plot::build()`](
pub fn plot(&self, x: &Vec<f64>, y: &Vec<f64>) {
// If there is no data to plot, we stop here
if x.len().min(y.len()) == 0 {
unsafe {
im_str!("{}", self.label).as_ptr() as *const i8,
x.len().min(y.len()) as i32, // "as" casts saturate as of Rust 1.45. This is safe here.
0, // No offset
std::mem::size_of::<f64>() as i32, // Stride, set to one f64 for the standard use case
/// Struct to provide bar plotting functionality.
pub struct PlotBars {
/// Label to show in the legend for this line
label: String,
/// Width of the bars, in plot coordinate terms
bar_width: f64,
/// Horizontal bar mode
horizontal_bars: bool,
impl PlotBars {
/// Create a new bar plot to be shown. Defaults to drawing vertical bars.
/// Does not draw anything yet.
pub fn new(label: &str) -> Self {
Self {
label: label.to_owned(),
bar_width: 0.67, // Default value taken from C++ implot
horizontal_bars: false,
/// Set the width of the bars
pub fn with_bar_width(mut self, bar_width: f64) -> Self {
self.bar_width = bar_width;
/// Set the bars to be horizontal (default is vertical)
pub fn with_horizontal_bars(mut self) -> Self {
self.horizontal_bars = true;
/// Draw a previously-created bar plot. Use this in closures passed to
/// [`Plot::build()`]( The `axis_positions`
/// specify where on the corersponding axis (X for vertical mode, Y for horizontal mode) the
/// bar is drawn, and the `bar_values` specify what values the bars have.
pub fn plot(&self, axis_positions: &Vec<f64>, bar_values: &Vec<f64>) {
let number_of_points = axis_positions.len().min(bar_values.len());
// If there is no data to plot, we stop here
if number_of_points == 0 {
unsafe {
// C++ implot has separate functions for the two variants, but the interfaces
// are the same, so they are unified here. The x and y values have different
// meanings though, hence the swapping around before they are passed to the
// plotting function.
let (plot_function, x, y);
if self.horizontal_bars {
plot_function = sys::ImPlot_PlotBarsHdoublePtrdoublePtr
as unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8, *const f64, *const f64, i32, f64, i32, i32);
x = bar_values;
y = axis_positions;
} else {
plot_function = sys::ImPlot_PlotBarsdoublePtrdoublePtr
as unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8, *const f64, *const f64, i32, f64, i32, i32);
x = axis_positions;
y = bar_values;
im_str!("{}", self.label).as_ptr() as *const i8,
number_of_points as i32, // "as" casts saturate as of Rust 1.45. This is safe here.
0, // No offset
std::mem::size_of::<f64>() as i32, // Stride, set to one f64 for the standard use case
/// Struct to provide functionality for adding text within a plot
pub struct PlotText {
/// Label to show in plot
label: String,
/// X component of the pixel offset to be used. Will be used independently of the actual plot
/// scaling. Defaults to 0.
pixel_offset_x: f32,
/// Y component of the pixel offset to be used. Will be used independently of the actual plot
/// scaling. Defaults to 0.
pixel_offset_y: f32,
impl PlotText {
/// Create a new text label to be shown. Does not draw anything yet.
pub fn new(label: &str) -> Self {
Self {
label: label.into(),
pixel_offset_x: 0.0,
pixel_offset_y: 0.0,
/// Add a pixel offset to the text to be plotted. This offset will be independent of the
/// scaling of the plot itself.
pub fn with_pixel_offset(mut self, offset_x: f32, offset_y: f32) -> Self {
self.pixel_offset_x = offset_x;
self.pixel_offset_y = offset_y;
/// Draw the text label in the plot at the given position, optionally vertically. Use this in
/// closures passed to [`Plot::build()`](
pub fn plot(&self, x: f64, y: f64, vertical: bool) {
// If there is nothing to show, don't do anything
if self.label == "" {
unsafe {
im_str!("{}", self.label).as_ptr() as *const i8,
sys::ImVec2 {
x: self.pixel_offset_x,
y: self.pixel_offset_y,
Add table
Reference in a new issue